Saturday 31 December 2011

Scholars want help identifying slaves' origins (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Almost two centuries before there was a man named Obama in the White House, there was a man named Obama shackled in the bowels of a slave ship. There is no proof that the unidentified Obama has ties to President Barack Obama. All they share is a name. But that is exactly the commonality that Emory University researchers hope to build upon as they delve into the origins of Africans who were taken up and sold.

They have built an online database around those names, and welcome input from people who may share a name that's in the database, or have such names as part of their family lore.

"The whole point of the project is to ask the African diaspora, people with any African background, to help us identify the names because the names are so ethno-linguistically specific, we can actually locate the region in Africa to which the individual belonged on the basis of the name," said David Eltis, an Emory University history professor who heads the database research team.

So far, two men named Obama sit among some 9,500 captured Africans whose names were written on line after line in the registries of obscure, 19th century slave trafficking courts. The courts processed the human chattel freed from ships that were intercepted and detoured to Havana, Cuba or Freetown, Sierra Leone. Most of the millions of Africans enslaved before 1807 were known only by numbers, said James Walvin, an expert on the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Once bought by slave owners, the Africans' names were lost. Africans captured by the Portuguese were baptized and given "Christian" names aboard the ships that were taking them into slavery.

But original African names ? surnames were uncommon for Africans in the 19th century ? are rich with information. Some reveal the day of the week an individual was born or whether that individual was the oldest, youngest or middle child or a twin. They can also reveal ethnic or linguistic groups.

The president's father was from Kenya, on the eastern coast of Africa, and Eltis said it was rare for captives to hail from areas far from the port where their ships set sail. The unidentified Obamas on the slave ships sailed from west Africa. Walvin, author of "The Zong," a book about the slave trade, said there were Africans who had been brought great distances before they were forced onto ships.

"Often their enslavement had begun much earlier, deep in the African interior, most of them captured through acts of violence, warfare or kidnap, or for criminal activity ..." Walvin said in his book, which chronicles the true story of a captain who ordered a third of the slaves aboard his ship thrown overboard due to a shortage of drinking water.

Obama's ancestors, a nomadic people known as the River Lake Nilotes, migrated from Bahr-el-Ghazal Province in Sudan toward Uganda and into Western Kenya, according to Sally Jacobs, author of "The Other Barack", a book about the president's father. They were part of several clans and subclans that eventually became the Luo people of Kenya, Jacobs writes.

The president's great-grandfather's name was Obama. Obama is derived from the word "bam", meaning crooked or indirect, she said in her book.

But it's also possible that Obama was a name used by other cultural groups in Africa and for whom the name had a different meaning.

The slaves found aboard intercepted ships provided their names, age and sometimes where they were from, through translators, to English and Spanish speaking court registrars who wrote their names as they sounded to them.

Body scars or identifying marks also were recorded. The details were logged in an attempt to prevent the Africans from being enslaved again, which didn't always work.

Emory's researchers are including audio clips of the names as they would likely be pronounced in Africa.

"These people enslaved were not just a nebulous group of people with no place and no name," said Kwesi DeGraft-Hanson, one of the researchers, who has found variations of his name, his brother's and his children's names in the database. He is originally from Ghana. "That's how lot of us view slavery. We don't have names faces to go with it ... It makes them that much more removed from us."

Eltis and his researchers acknowledge the database may not help African Americans with genealogical research because records on the Africans once they were freed from the ships are harder to find, if they exist at all.

However, the project provides another piece in a major jigsaw, and helps put together a bigger picture on slavery, Walvin said.

Before this project, Eltis and others assembled a database of 35,000 trans-Atlantic slave ship voyages responsible for the flow of more than 10 million Africans to the Americas.

Together, the two databases provide some details on the horrific voyages of the Africans, including the Obamas.

The Xerxes, which carried one of the unidentified Obamas, was a 138-foot schooner that began its voyage in Havana with a crew of 44. Five guns were mounted aboard when the ship left on a slave purchasing trip to Bonny on Feb. 10, 1828.

Sailing under the Spanish flag, the ship's captain Felipe Rebel purchased 429 slaves, nearly one third of them children, before setting out on a return trip to the Americas. But on June 26, 1828, the Xerxes was intercepted and forced to dock at an unknown Cuban port. By then, 26 slaves had died.

The other unidentified Obama, 6-foot-3-inches tall, was one of 562 Africans shackled in the belly of the Midas. The vessel was a Brig, a fast, maneuverable ship with two square-rigged masts. It was equipped with eight guns.

Midas' captain J. Martinez and a crew of 53 left Cuba on an unknown date. It left Bonny with 562 slaves but was intercepted. It docked in Cuba July 8, 1829 minus 162 slaves who had died during the voyage.

Some slaves freed from seized ships were returned to Africa, but not always to their original homelands. Some were sent to Liberia or were allowed to remain free in the cities where the courts were located. Some may have been re-enslaved and some died on ships that were returning them to Africa.


On the Net: African Origins:

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Voyages:


Suzanne Gamboa can be reached at


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Friday 30 December 2011

'Octomom' case stuns one-child public in China (AP)

BEIJING ? The photo was undeniably cute: a studio portrait of eight babies in identical onesies and perky white cotton hats, sporting an array of expressions from giggly to goofy, baffled to bawling.

Intended as an advertisement for the studio, the photo grabbed a different kind of attention: In a country that limits most couples to one child, many Chinese were amazed to learn that a couple had spent nearly a million yuan ($160,000) and illegally enlisted two surrogate mothers to help have the four boys and four girls.

The incident has highlighted both the use of birth surrogates, a violation of Chinese law, and how wealthy Chinese do as they please, with scant regard for the rules that constrain others. The most common reaction, though, has been simple disbelief.

"Heavens. To have one family with eight kids ... in an era of family planning where most people have just one, the contrast is just too much," said popular Chinese Central Television news anchor Bai Yansong as he introduced a 20-minute special report on the babies last weekend. "It doesn't sound like news. It sounds more like a fairy tale."

Chinese media are calling the mother "babaotai muqin," or "octomom," a reference to the American woman who gave birth to octuplets using in vitro fertilization.

Much remains uncertain about the family from Guangzhou, the capital of south China's Guangdong province. According to the Guangzhou Daily, a government newspaper, the biological mother carried two of the babies, while two surrogates gave birth to three each. After the babies were born in September and October last year, 11 nannies were hired to help take care of the children, the report said.

While some suspect a hoax, a media officer with the Guangdong Health Department said the case was real and under investigation. He declined to identify the couple, citing privacy concerns.

The story has captivated the public because it symbolizes a bold defiance of the country's strict family planning rules, said Liang Zhongtang, a demography expert at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

"People are very interested in the policy these days and the need for changes to it," he said. "A lot of people think it should have been dropped a long time ago, or relaxed at least."

A 2001 law prohibits Chinese medical institutions and personnel from performing gestational surrogacy services, in which an embryo created from a couple is implanted into another woman who carries the baby to term.

Still, an underground market is thriving as more couples put off marriage and childbirth until later in life, only to find they are unable to conceive. The law forbids only the medical procedures, and agencies connecting couples and surrogates are easy to find online.

The Guangzhou Daily said the octomom couple resorted to in vitro fertilization and surrogates after years of failed attempts to conceive.

A manager for the Guangdong branch of the Daiyunguke surrogacy agency, Liu Jialei, said that this has been the busiest of his company's seven years in business, with more than 600 surrogates matched to families. His customers are Chinese, but the medical procedures are carried out abroad, in Southeast Asia and Japan, to circumvent the law.

Chinese media reports say many procedures are also done illegally at hospitals in China.

Many Chinese frown on surrogacy, which is often portrayed as a way for the rich to avoid going through pregnancy.

An opinion piece about the eight babies in the China Daily denounced surrogacy as something done by wealthy women unwilling to disrupt their careers or ruin their figures.

Author Cai Hong, a senior writer for the newspaper, wrote that the practice would inevitably give rise to "a breeder class" of poor women who end up "renting their wombs to wealthy people."

But Therese Hesketh, a University College London professor who has done numerous field studies in China on family planning issues, says that her impression is that Chinese who can afford surrogates tend to seek out attractive university graduates, not the underprivileged.

Chinese media say octomom and her family have gone into hiding. A Chinese Central Television investigative report could only dig up former neighbors who described seeing a pack of nannies taking the babies for strolls and to a toddler center for playtime.

A series of outtakes from the portrait session posted to a blog show the logo for the QQ Baby studio prominently displayed in the background, but staff at the shop in Guangzhou denied knowing anything about the photos.

Only the relatively well-off can afford in vitro fertilization and surrogacy or to live in a villa, as this couple reportedly did.

The rich also find it easier to flout the one-child limit, because they are better able to afford the hefty fines for doing so. Some also acquire foreign citizenship, which exempts them from the birth quotas.

On the popular Sina microblog, one user posted an article about the couple and commented: "If you have money, what does the law mean?"

All the hoopla may be boosting the surrogacy business. At ? an agency whose website is splashed with photos of babies nestled in flowers ? a manager said all the attention made it inconvenient for any staff to speak with reporters.

"But one thing is for sure, our business is getting better and better," said the woman, who would only give her surname, Liu. "More and more people come to us for services."


Associated Press researchers Zhao Liang and Yu Bing in Beijing contributed to this report.



Photos on a Chinese blog:


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Tim Tebow has as many Android apps as all of the 2012 Pro Bowl QBs combined

Tim Tebow app

Fun fact: Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has at least six Android apps and a live wallpaper in the Android Market. (Make that eight total if you count the misspelled "Tbows World.")

There's "Tim Tebow." (with a period). "Tim Tebow" (without a period). "Tim Tebow!" (because dude deserves an exclamation point). The "Tim Tebow Unofficial App." "Tim Tebow News & Stats." And our favorite (although likely a little offensive to some), "You-R-Tebow," in which your face is planted on top of the genuflecting QB's body.

That's more than a half-dozen Tim Tebow Android apps. Guess how many the wonder boy Tom Brady has? Two. And his fellow 2012 Pro Bowlers don't fare much better. Aaron Rodgers (3). Drew Brees (2). Eli Manning (1).  And poor Ben Roethlisberger and Philip Rivers don't even merit a single app. (Not even a search for "meathead" turns up any results for those two.)

Yep, dude's everywhere.


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Thursday 29 December 2011

Treasury Sees U.S. Debt Near Limit By End Of Friday - Real Time Economics - WSJ

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Stylish para Google Chrome

Stylish es una extensi?n para el navegador Google Chrome, la cual nos permite personalizar algunas de las p?ginas m?s visitadas por los usuarios de internet, entre las que podemos destacar, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter entre otras.

Esta extensi?n es muy ?til para aquellos que les gusta cambiar la apariencia de su ordenador constantemente, su funcionalidad es la de darle otra apariencia a dichas p?ginas. Por ejemplo si estas aburrido de ver los colores de Facebook (blanco y azul), con esta peque?a pero muy ?til extensi?n le puedes cambiar los colores com?nmente vistos a un color que sea de tu agrado. Esta extensi?n trabaja como una especie de tema, con la diferencia que lo que personaliza es tu navegador (Google Chrome) y as? d?ndole un toque visual mucho


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Wednesday 28 December 2011

CBR's Twitter Comics Hotlist

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Notre Dame heralds paint-on solar cells, wants to smear your home with its goop (video)

Leave it to the Fighting Irish to take a stab at solving the world's energy woes. Notre Dame researchers have successfully developed solar cells that can be easily painted on to any conductive surface. Imagine, for a moment, applying this solution to your home rather than attaching solar panels to the roof. The paint mixture incorporates quantum dots of titanium dioxide, which is then coated with either cadmium sulfide or cadmium selenide, and is then suspended in mixture of water and alcohol to create a spreadable compound that's capable of generating electricity. While its efficiency isn't currently much to crow home about -- which hovers around one-percent -- scientists are now actively pursuing ways to improve this aspect while making a more stable compound. Most importantly, the paint can be made cheaply and in large quantities, which suggests that even if efficiency remains in the doldrums, it may be a very worthwhile pursuit. Touchdown Jesus is already watching the video after the break.

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Monday 26 December 2011

Mena Golf Tour's top three invited to compete in Asian Tour Qualifying School

Dubai: In a ringing endorsement of the Mena Golf Tour, which ended here in October, the top three participants have been invited to compete in the final stages of the Asian Tour Qualifying School.

Presented by the Sports Authority of Thailand, the final stage will be held from January 18 to 21 at the Springfield Royal Country Club and Imperial Lakeview, where the top-40 and ties will earn playing rights for the 2012 Asian Tour season.


Our tour has the potential to launch the careers of regional and international stars and with time it will contribute to enhancing the overall development of golf in the region. That's the ultimate aim


MENA Golf Tour chairman Mohammad Juma Bu Amim

Jake Shepherd, Peter Richardson and Sean McNamara, who finished among the top three on the Order of Merit earlier this year, will receive exemptions into the final stage in recognition of their performance on the four-event MENA Golf Tour, which boasted a combined prize fund of $225,000.

Emerging talent

Article continues below

The three professionals, who have also been handed special invitations to play in the 2012 Omega Dubai Desert Classic in February, are excited at the prospects of competing alongside some of the world's best emerging talent in the final stage.

"It will be an honour to play on the Asian Tour and we are grateful to them for the first-stage exemption," said Shepherd, who topped the MENA Golf Tour Order of Merit with total earnings of $17,749 from three of the four events he played on the tour.

"Playing on the MENA Golf Tour has opened up a wide [range of] opportunities which we never dreamed of. The exposure to the final stage competition will also help us fine-tune our game ahead of the European Tour event in Dubai."

The Qualifying School will also enable upcoming players the opportunity to compete on the Asian Development Tour that has grown to eight tournaments since its inception in 2010.


Mohammad Juma Bu Amim, chairman of the MENA Golf Tour, thanked the Asia Tour for their gesture, saying it would add more excitement to the tour and reflect the bond the two tours share.

"Our tour events are open to both professionals and amateurs and, therefore, have a unique appeal. Money is one thing. They offer an opportunity to play golf at the highest level (the Omega Dubai Desert Classic) and now this first stage exemption on the Asian Tour Q-School is an added bonus," he said.

"The players won't be short on incentives when they tee it up in the second edition of the MENA Golf Tour, which we are planning to launch some time in March or April next year.

"Our tour has the potential to launch the careers of regional and international stars and with time it will contribute to enhancing the overall development of golf in the region. That's the ultimate aim."




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Sunday 25 December 2011

Vybz Kartel, Dancehall's 'World Boss,' Facing Mounting Legal ...

December 23, 2011

The litany of legal problems facing incarcerated dancehall artist Vybz Kartel is mounting almost as quickly as he used to record hit songs.

On December 15th, Jamaica's Supreme Court judge Martin Gayle ordered Kartel, born Adidja Palmer, to pay JA$15,000,000 (US$173,066) in damages to Jamaican promoter Alton Salmon stemming from his failure to perform at a concert on August 14, 2009 in the Turks and Caicos islands, located 550 miles southeast of Miami, just below the Bahamas chain. According to the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper, Salmon entered into a verbal contract with Kartel and agreed to pay him $18,000 to perform at The Real Rampin Shop concert, it's title adapted from the early 2009 Kartel hit "Rampin Shop, which peaked at no. 76 on the Hip Hop/R&B singles chart, ignited numerous debates surrounding censorship in dancehall reggae and prompted the banning of suggestive lyrics on Jamaica's TV and radio broadcasts. It was also agreed that Salmon would purchase airline tickets and provide hotel accommodations for Kartel and his entourage for the Turks and Caicos show.

Can Vybz Kartel's Business Empire Survive Split With Partner?

Arguably Jamaica's most popular dancehall artist and once the authoritative leader of an artists' consortium and various businesses, including a successful line of rum, branded under the Portmore Empire brand but often referred to simply as Gaza, Kartel, 35, reportedly accepted a deposit of $8,500 from Salmon with the balance to be paid at the end of the show. But his failure to appear at Turks and Caicos event, Salmon explained, caused a riot at the venue and severely damaged his reputation as a promoter. Salmon filed a lawsuit against dancehall's self proclaimed "World Boss" in August 2009, accusing him of breach of contract. Kartel was served with legal documents pertaining to the suit on December 23, 2009 but he failed to file acknowledgement of service and did not attempt to defend the suit.

Although Salmon declined an interview request, he offered the following statement to "From the initial state of the case I always wanted it to be low profile but it became bigger than I thought. I can say that what you read in the newspaper is the truth so based on that you can get all of the information you want," Salmon stated.

The judgment was handed down just hours before Kartel and Gaza artist Vanessa Saddler, a.k.a. Vanessa Bling or Gaza Slim were charged by the Corporate Area Magistrate Court with conspiracy and attempting to pervert the course of justice, related to the murder of Clive "Lizard" Williams. Gaza Slim and fellow Portmore Empire artist Popcaan are included on Kartel's number one hit in Jamaica "Clarks" which was featured on Canadian television's dance competition "So You Think You Can Dance?"

On Oct. 24 Kartel was charged with Williams' murder, which purportedly took place on Aug. 16 although his body has not been found. On Oct. 29, Gaza Slim reported to Kingston's Constant Spring police precinct that she had been assaulted and robbed by Williams. Police sources maintain evidence exists, including phone texts, indicating Kartel and Gaza Slim planned to "stage a robbery that did not occur", in their attempt to prove Williams was alive, thus absolving Kartel from the murder charge. The prosecution maintains it has audio and video surveillance tapes implicating Kartel and five members of his Gaza Empire, including artist Shawn 'Shawn Storm' Campbell, in Williams' murder, allegedly a punishment for a missing illegal firearm believed to belong to Kartel. Storm, Gaza Slim and Popcaan are featured alongside the Gaza Emperor on the track "Empire ForEver".

Kartel's web of legal woes commenced on Sep't. 29th when he was arrested and subsequently charged with the murder of music promoter Barrington Bryan, alias 'Bossie', which took place in July 2011 in the Kingston suburb of Portmore. Kartel was also charged with conspiracy to murder and illegal possession of a firearm. He was granted bail in the sum of JA$3,000,000 (approximately US$34,613) on December 1 related to the Burton charges, but could not take up the offer due to the pending charges in Williams' death. Contrary to widespread reports that he would be freed by Christmas and possibly perform at Jamaica's annual dancehall concert extravaganza Sting on Dec. 26th, Kartel's legal counsel has not yet sought bail on the charges of perverting the course of justice and Williams' murder.

Vybz Kartel Facing Murder Charges: The Reggae Biz Reacts

"The attorney that appeared for Miss Saddler did make a bail application for her and the judge will give her reasons in writing for her refusal for bail, based on the request made by the attorney," clarified Christopher Tavares-Finson, a member of Kartel's legal team, in his interview with "Whether we file a bail application or not depends on the documentation served on us. When we are in possession of all of the documents, including the text messages, then I would be in a position to make the application. It is possible we will make an application at the next hearing on January 9th."

Despite the numerous charges facing the Gaza ruler, Kartel and his lawyers remain confident about the outcome of his case. "We have to keep our heads up and have faith in the system. Based on what I am seeing in the documents, I don't think we have a problem," observes Tavares-Finson. "It is going to take a while to sort it out; Kartel has to be patient and he understands that. We keep him up to speed on everything that is happening with the matter."


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Springfield Woman Gives Gifts to Joplin Tornado Survivors, Second Year Giving to Strangers

Reporter, Photographer

6:23 p.m. CST, December 23, 2011

Joplin, Mo?

A Springfield woman is spreading the gift of random kindness to those in need in Joplin. Last year Frances Youngblood started the tradition of giving gifts to strangers. This year she decided Joplin was the place to spread cheer. Click on our video report to watch her surprise several tornado survivors.


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Saturday 24 December 2011

Mysterious Metallic Space Ball Falls to Earth in Africa, Baffling Authorities

Anonymous posting allowed - Main language: English - Expect us!

Friday 23 December 2011 - 00:15:28 ???

A large metallic ball has fallen from the heavens and landed in a remote region of Namibia, spurring a lot of speculation about its origins and spurring local authorities to get NASA and the European Space Agency on the horn




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Brook Lopez to have surgery for broken right foot (AP)

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. ? The New Jersey Nets will be without center and leading scorer Brook Lopez for a couple of months because of a broken right foot.

Lopez, who did not miss a game in his first three seasons, was injured during an exhibition game against the Knicks on Wednesday and he will have surgery Friday.

The injury is a stress fracture to the slow-healing fifth metatarsal, the same kind of injury that New York Giants first-round draft pick Prince Amukamara suffered on Aug. 6 in training camp. He did not play in a game until Nov. 20.

"I had a long talk with Brook last night," coach Avery Johnson said. "He is not in great spirits but we tried to lift his spirits to let him know that, hey, this is a little bit of a setback but he could definitely have a big-time comeback. Hopefully, once we get through with the surgery and get back to rehabbing and he can heal up and we can get him back at some point this season."

Lopez, who averaged 20.4 points, 6.0 rebounds and 1.6 assists last season as the Nets posted a 24-58 record, played in the second half with the injury.

Johan Petro is his backup, although the injury might force general manager Billy King to explore some trade options.

The Nets would not say how long Lopez will be sidelined but a medical expert said it would be from six to 12 weeks, but it has the potential of being longer, depending on the degree of the stress fracture.

Dr. Victor Khabie, the chief of the department of surgery and sports medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco, N.Y., told The Associated Press the problem with injuries to the fifth metatarsal is that the blood supply to that area is poor, which prevents doctors from simply putting the foot in a cast.

"For that reason and especially with an athlete you want to get back as soon as possible, we end up doing surgery, which is inserting a metal screw intro the bone to compress the bone together," Khabie said. "The act of inserting the screw also stimulates blood flow to the area."

Khabie said that Lopez's size may increase his recovery time.

"Biomechanics are such that with a bigger guy, the more pressure you put on it, the bone has to be more solid," Khabie said. "It may not make a difference in the healing, but it needs to be more fully healed before you let a 7-footer start jumping up and down on it."

While he has not seen Lopez's X-rays, Khabie felt 12 weeks would be his best guess at a recovery.

"I think that would be early," he added. "If I saw him as a patient, I would say: `Listen, hopefully, we'll get you back in three months.' I would say that would be a very optimistic type of call. This could be season-ending, potentially, seeing how short the (NBA) season is."

The lockout-shortened season opens this weekend and the regular season concludes at the end of April. The trade deadline is mid-March, which is important to note.

The injury could hurt the Nets' chances of making a deal for Orlando All-Star center Dwight Howard. The Nets and Magic had some talks about a deal after the lockout ended and 23-year-old Lopez was said to be part of the package the Nets offered.

If he can't play, there probably is no deal.



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Friday 23 December 2011

Five Reason To See 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol'

Ethan Hunt and the IMF are back and bigger than ever in "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol." For the fourth go around, Tom Cruise makes the jump to IMAX screens and makes it worth while. If you do go see "Ghost Protocol," be sure to seek out IMAX showings. It's the way the film was [...]


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Isentress Approval Expanded to Include Children and Teens (HealthDay)

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Approval for the HIV drug Isentress (raltegravir) has been expanded to include children and adolescents ages 2-18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday.

The drug is an integrase strand transfer inhibitor that helps slow the spread of the AIDS-causing virus throughout the body, the agency said in a news release. It was first approved for adults in October 2007.

The twice-daily pill is available in a chewable form for people aged 2 to 11, and in non-chewable form. Clinical testing of the drug among 96 children and teens with HIV-1 infection showed 53 percent of patients had undetectable blood HIV levels after 24 weeks, the FDA said.

The most common reported side effects of Isentress included trouble sleeping and headache.

The drug does not cure HIV infection, and patients must take Isentress continually to ensure ongoing reduction in HIV-related illness, the FDA stressed.

The drug is produced by Merck & Co., based in Whitehouse Station, N.J.

More information

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has more about HIV/AIDS.


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Why there could only be eight best picture Oscar nominees (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? Everybody's confused about the new Best Picture process.

Nobody knows how it will play out, and whether we'll have five nominees, or 10, or some number in between.

But what if I could tell you what happens when the Oscar process is applied to ballots cast by a group of hundreds of voters who've historically been an accurate predictor of what Oscar voters will do?

I can, and here's the answer: There won't be 10 Oscar Best Picture nominees.

There will be eight.

And we got that number by counting the Critics' Choice Movie Awards ballots the same way the Motion Picture Academy tallies its votes.

The study began when I approached executives at the Broadcast Film Critics Association, which gives out the Critics' Choice Movie Awards -- and of which I am a member -- with a crazy suggestion:

"After you announce your nominees, let me recount the ballots using the Oscar system," I asked.

The CCMAs, after all, are one of the most accurate bellwethers of the Oscars. Last year, 27 of the Academy's 30 Best Picture and acting nominees had already received CCMA noms; the year before, it was 24 out of 30.

Understandably, the Broadcast Film Critics didn't go for my plan to borrow their ballots, even after I promised not to reveal which films would have been left out. But they were intrigued by the idea, and they got in touch with the accountant who tallies those ballots at CMM, LLP.

The Broadcast Film Critics and CMM agreed to let me tutor the accounting firm's Debby Britton on the Oscar process, and then reveal the results after the counting was completed.

So I sent Britton a step-by-step description of the process that the Academy says will result in somewhere between five and 10 Oscar nominees.

And here's how it played out:

A large majority of the Broadcast Film Critics' more than 250 critics cast ballots, which asked them to rank their favorite movies, one through five. On those ballots, 33 different films received first-place votes.

Under the Oscar system, the race is immediately narrowed to those 33 films; every other movie is out of the running, no matter how many second- or third-place votes it received.

Once the initial count was made, the number of votes required to guarantee a nomination was determined. This is done by dividing the number of votes by 11, and then adding one (or if the result is not a whole number, adding whatever fraction is needed to make it one).

Example: If 250 members had voted, 23 votes would have guaranteed a nomination, because it would be impossible for more than 10 films to receive that many votes.

According to CMM, only one film received enough votes to secure a nomination in this way.

(I don't know which film this is, and neither do the BFCA officials who passed me the information. But it's easy to take an educated guess and figure that it's probably "The Artist," since that film has won the lion's share of the critics' awards handed out so far this season.)

The next step in the Oscar process is to determine if any film got 20 percent more votes than it needed to secure that nomination. If so, it triggers the "surplus rule," and its votes are redistributed, and the film ranked second on each ballot gets a percentage of that vote.

Another example: If a film gets twice as many votes as it needs, each of its ballots counts 50 percent for the first-place film and 50 percent for the voter's second choice.

The one film that qualified in the first round, according to CMM, did indeed trigger the surplus rule.

After its votes were redistributed, Britton then went back to the rest of the ballots. At this point, she looked for any movie that received less than 1 percent of the vote. That would be two votes if more than 200 voters cast ballots, one vote if fewer than 200 did so.

According to Britton, 10 of the 33 films fell below the 1 percent threshold. Those 10 then had their ballots redistributed, with the vote going to the film ranked second on the ballot, assuming that film was among the 22 movies still in the running. (If it wasn't, she would move down the ballot until she found a movie that was.)

When those ballots were redistributed, CMM then looked at what was left. At this point, under the Oscar system, any movie with more than 5 percent of the vote would became a nominee; any movie with less than that would not.

And when Britton did the final math, she came up with eight nominees.

Will the Oscars play out the same way? Will only one film qualify in the first round? Will a third of the films in play fall beneath the 1 percent threshold?

We still don't know -- but after this little experiment, we just might have a better idea.

Oscar nominations will be announced on January 24; the Critics' Choice Movie Awards will take place on January 12 at the Hollywood Palladium and will be broadcast on VH1.


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Thursday 22 December 2011

Aol Shareholders Freak Out Over Exec Departures ? As They Should

aolcareers1More than a fair amount of business success hinges on telling stories about the future.?The reason Yahoo's market cap is down to $19.83 billion from a high of $55 billion is because shareholders don't believe that it has a future. The reason Aol bought Bebo for $850 million (a little over half of Aol's current market cap!) is that at the time it essentially believed -- after processing analysis and reports, of course -- that it was worth that much ?


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Monday 19 December 2011

House committee delays vote on anti-piracy act (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? A key House vote on controversial anti-piracy legislation has been delayed.

The House Judiciary Committee adjourned on Friday without deciding on whether or not to send the so-called Stop Online Piracy Act to the House floor.

The committee had been engaged in a marathon markup version of the bill, but the session came to an abrupt end, as Congress had to turn its attention to a floor vote on a nearly $1 trillion spending bill that would avert a government shutdown.

The discussion will resume when Congress is next in session -- which could be next week.

The law, along with its Senate sister, the Protect IP Act, are both championed by the recording and film industries. They both seek to combat online piracy by giving the Justice Department authority to block offshore "rogue" websites that engage in the illicit sale of everything from pirated films to bogus pharmaceuticals.

The act would give federal authorities new power to block service providers, search engines, payment processors, and advertising networks it considers to be facilitating illegal on-line activity, such as streaming pirated television programs, films or selling pharmaceuticals.

However, the legislation has been fiercely opposed by a coalition of high-tech companies such as Google, Yahoo, PayPal, Twitter and eBay, who have charged that the effort to crack down on illegal downloads are too far-reaching and akin to censorship.

In a feisty statement, Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) expressed optimism that the bill will pass once Congress is in session.

"The criticism of this bill is completely hypothetical; none of it is based in reality," Smith said. "Not one of the critics was able to point to any language in the bill that would in any way harm the Internet. Their accusations are simply not supported by any facts."

Friday's committee session adjourned after considering 25 amendments to the bill.


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Sunday 18 December 2011

Hawaii parade honors Japanese-American WWII vets (AP)

HONOLULU ? Hundreds of Japanese-American veterans of World War II were honored Saturday with a parade in Honolulu ? nearly 70 years after they volunteered to fight for their country even as the government branded them "enemy aliens."

About 200 veterans rode in convertibles, troop carriers and trolleys past a cheering crowd of tourists, family and local residents. The event celebrates the Congressional Gold Medal the veterans received last month.

Fragile health prevented many of the surviving veterans ? the youngest of whom are in their 80s ? from traveling to Washington, D.C., to attend a ceremony at which the medal was presented.

So their supporters decided to hold a celebration for them in Hawaii, where two-thirds of the veterans were from.

The medal recognizes the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the 100th Infantry Battalion which together saw some of the most brutal fighting in the war as the soldiers pushed their way through Italy, France and Germany.

By the end of the war, the combined unit became the most highly decorated military unit in U.S. history for its size and length of service.

Masato Doi, 90, said he was surprised and a little overwhelmed by the celebration.

"It really is an honor," Doi said at a luncheon where the veterans received a replica of medal.

Doi, who was a member of the 442nd, said he was proud that his service led to greater tolerance and acceptance of Japanese-Americans among the general public.

Veterans Secretary Eric Shinseki, a 69-year-old former Army chief of staff and a Japanese-American, told them their service enabled him to grow up without having people doubt his loyalty.

"Except for your service and bloody sacrifice, my life's work would not have followed the path that it did. And so to you and your family members ? we are indebted to all of you for giving us lessons about living our lives with purpose and dignity," he said. "From my generation to yours ? I thank you."

Thousands of Japanese-Americans served in World War II even as the government viewed them with suspicion because their ancestors were from the country that bombed Pearl Harbor. Some on the mainland enlisted from internment camps, where the federal government had imprisoned 110,000 Japanese-Americans.

Those in the parade Saturday wore hats with the names of their units on them, and some included the saying "Go for Broke," which had been the motto of the 442nd Regimental Combat team.

The medal also honors Japanese-Americans who served as translators and interpreters against Japan, often on the front lines with Marines and soldiers fighting from island to island across the Pacific.

As members of the Military Intelligence Service, they deciphered key Japanese communications, including one that tipped off the U.S. to the flight plans of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto ? the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor ? in 1943. The U.S. shot down his plane, dealing a major blow to Japan.

The parade also honored members of the 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion who were stationed on Oahu during the war.

The elite medal has been given selectively since 1776, when George Washington was awarded the first. Other honorees include the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, Rosa Parks and the Dalai Lama. The Tuskegee Airmen, the first group of black fighter pilots, received the medal in 2007.


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ABC nixes 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition'

What's going to make us sob like little babies now?!

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ABC has canceled "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" after nine heartwarming seasons of tear-jerking tales of sorrow and hardship bookended by even more tear-jerking scenes of joy and excitement when a family gets the keys to their brand-new house.

MORE: Michelle Obama Visits Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

"For nine seasons, I was blessed to have been given the opportunity to change lives across the globe with the help of loving communities, generous sponsors, and a cast that has become my second family," interior designer Michael Moloney said in a statement. "I was lucky to have this show as a perpetual reminder of my own blessings, but my work won't stop with the end of the series. It is with a somber heart I close this chapter, but with such excitement I begin the next one."

ABC says that "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" ? which back in 2005 was pulling in an average 16 million viewers a week but dipped to less than 9 million last season ? will continue in the form of periodic TV specials.

The Emmy-winning series will sign off in true "Extreme Makeover" fashion on Jan. 13 with its 200th episode, shot in the tornado-ravaged town of Joplin, Mo.

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Ty Pennington and crew headed over there in October to help not one, not two, but seven families who lost their homes.

That's seven-times the tears, people!

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Which episode in the show's history was the most memorable for you? Share your thoughts on the Facebook page for our TV blog, The Clicker.

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Saturday 17 December 2011

10 Ways to Celebrate with Your Pets - Southampton, NY Patch

When you are celebrating the holidays, don?t forget about your furry friends. They?ll love some stocking stuffers and a big present from their faithful owner or a donation to a local charity.

1. Harbor Pets in Sag Harbor specializes in pet happiness, so if you need something creative for any of your pets, from fish to dogs, go to Harbor Pets.

2. Donate to underprivileged dogs at the Beau Hulse Holiday Party on Saturday at Little Lucy?s Canine Couture in Southampton Village to show appreciation for your pet, or adopt a dog as a great gift for the other doggie friend in your house. Santa will be attending with adorable dogs who are looking for a new home. There will be raffle prizes and refreshments. Bring a donation for the dogs in need ? stainless bowls, dog treats, toys, blankets or cash ? to help the RSVP rescue group with their mission. Pictures with Santa are welcome.

3. One Stop Pet Shop West in Southampton Village is stocked with amazing pet gifts. Upgrade to premium pet food, get a gift bag or treats, or browse for the perfect pet gift.

4. Go to Rite Aid Pharmacy in Bridgehampton to get your pets some treats or decorate their area of the house.

5. Looking for a gift for a dog, cat, bird, fish or other animal? K-Mart in Bridgehampton Commons will have anything your pet could want. If you want a new comfy bed for your pet or a winter coat and mittens, they have it.

6. As a gift to yourself and your pet, purchase training services Hampton Pet Club in Sag Harbor. You could also take him for a grooming.

7. Knit a stocking for your friendly feline with yarn and needles from Hildreth's in Southampton Village or browse the store for a little toy or new bowl for any of your pets.

8. If you want high-end doggie clothes, treats and leashes head to Little Lucy's Canine Couture Boutique in Southampton Village.

9. Show your pets some love by donating to their cause. ARF is having a holiday food drive, so if you want to help less fortunate animals ARF's Holiday Pet Food Drive will donate pet food to cats and dogs.

10. Get a festive red collar or any color collar you?d like for your cat or dog at CVS Pharmacy in Southampton Village. They also have other accessories and treats.


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Video: Congress Avoiding Government Shutdown

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Friday 16 December 2011

Bombs halve Iraq's Rumaila oilfield output: officials (Reuters)

BASRA, Iraq (Reuters) ? Output at Iraq's Rumaila oilfield has been halved from about 1.4 million barrels per day after a bombing hit southern pipelines, but crude exports were normal, Iraqi officials said on Wednesday.

Iraq is looking to its vast oil resources for future stability as it emerges from years of war. But renewed attacks on its oil infrastructure are a challenge to Iraqi security forces as U.S. troops withdraw by December 31.

Salah Mohammad, general manager of the Rumaila Operating Organization, told Reuters production from Rumaila oilfield was cut by around 700,000 bpd since Tuesday due to the bombing on the pipelines network.

Total production from Rumaila was at around 1.4 million before the bombing, he said.

"We halted production in Rumaila South because of the explosion. It has been halted until now since yesterday," he said. "The pipeline network was a main one."

Rumaila, the workhorse of Iraq's oil industry, has estimated reserves of around 17 billion barrels and produces the bulk of Iraq's total output of 2.95 million bpd now.

The field is being developed by British oil major BP and Chinese partner CNPC.

Three bombs hit an oil pipeline network that transports crude from southern Iraqi oilfields to storage tanks around the oil hub of Basra, causing a fire that raged all night.

Iraqi officials said the blaze had been put out on Wednesday morning, but an oil police source later said strong winds had reignited the fire.

Iraq's oil exports from Basra will not be affected, an oil ministry spokesman said.

"We have enough storage until we repair these pipelines. We will bypass the oil pumping operations through another pipeline network until repairs are done," spokesman Asim Jihad said.

It will take no more than a week to repair the damage done to the pipelines, he said.

On Wednesday, export flow was at normal rates of 1.68 million bpd from Basra, a shipping source told Reuters. An oil official said Iraq had enough crude stored to keep exports at same levels for two-three days.

The pipeline that was hit was carrying crude to the Zubair 1 storage facility near Basra.

In early June, militants blew up a storage tank at Zubair 1, despite tight security.


Basra, which handles most of Iraq's oil exports, has generally seen fewer attacks this year than other cities in the country following an overall decline in levels of violence since the peak of sectarian conflict in Iraq in 2006-07.

In October, two bombs hit pipeline networks transporting crude from Iraq's Rumaila oilfield, the country's biggest, cutting output from the field to 530,000 barrels per day from about 1.24 million bpd.

Iraq's oil police have stepped up patrols to protect installations against a possible surge in al Qaeda attacks as U.S. troops withdraw before December 31, the head of the force said on Tuesday.

An industry source said international oil companies working in the southern oilfields had been asked to reduce production after the attack, but it was not clear if this was a precautionary measure or because of damage to the pipelines.

The companies will look at ways of bypassing the damaged sections of pipeline if necessary, the source said.

(Additional reporting by Rania El Gamal and Ahmed Rasheed in Baghdad; writing by Rania El Gamal; Editing by Alison Birrane)


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Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues

Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, December 14, 2011Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable discussion published in Journal of Caffeine Research, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The roundtable discussion is available online at

Led by Journal of Caffeine Research Editor-in-Chief Jack E. James, PhD, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, the roundtable "Caffeine and Physical Performance" presents a range of views on the extent to which caffeine may enhance athletic performance. While the participants appear to agree that caffeine is likely to have performance-enhancing effects and seems to have the broadest effects of known stimulants for enhancing performance and endurance, they emphasize that the study data have been mixed. Many factors can affect caffeine's impact on performance, including the type of exercise or sport and whether it is aerobic or anaerobic, caffeine dosing, the use of other stimulants (poly-supplementation), and the length of rest intervals. Additional studies are needed to understand what factors can boost or inhibit the effects of caffeine and why some people may achieve enhanced performance with caffeine while others will not.

A research article in that same issue by Richard Bloomer, PhD and colleagues, Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory, University of Memphis, looks specifically at the effects of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine (1,3-D, a natural stimulant derived from geranium flowers) on exercise performance. The researchers compared the effects of these stimulants, taken alone or in combination, on run times by participants in a 10-kilometer run.


Journal of Caffeine Research: The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Caffeine Science covers the effects of caffeine on a wide range of diseases and conditions, including mood disorders, neurological disorders, cognitive performance, cardiovascular disease, and sports performance. The Journal explores all aspects of caffeine science, including the biochemistry of caffeine; its effects on the human body; benefits, dangers, and contraindications; and caffeine addiction and withdrawal, across all stages of the human life span from prenatal exposure to end-of-life.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Neurotrauma, and Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax (914) 740-2101

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, December 14, 2011Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable discussion published in Journal of Caffeine Research, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The roundtable discussion is available online at

Led by Journal of Caffeine Research Editor-in-Chief Jack E. James, PhD, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, the roundtable "Caffeine and Physical Performance" presents a range of views on the extent to which caffeine may enhance athletic performance. While the participants appear to agree that caffeine is likely to have performance-enhancing effects and seems to have the broadest effects of known stimulants for enhancing performance and endurance, they emphasize that the study data have been mixed. Many factors can affect caffeine's impact on performance, including the type of exercise or sport and whether it is aerobic or anaerobic, caffeine dosing, the use of other stimulants (poly-supplementation), and the length of rest intervals. Additional studies are needed to understand what factors can boost or inhibit the effects of caffeine and why some people may achieve enhanced performance with caffeine while others will not.

A research article in that same issue by Richard Bloomer, PhD and colleagues, Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory, University of Memphis, looks specifically at the effects of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine (1,3-D, a natural stimulant derived from geranium flowers) on exercise performance. The researchers compared the effects of these stimulants, taken alone or in combination, on run times by participants in a 10-kilometer run.


Journal of Caffeine Research: The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Caffeine Science covers the effects of caffeine on a wide range of diseases and conditions, including mood disorders, neurological disorders, cognitive performance, cardiovascular disease, and sports performance. The Journal explores all aspects of caffeine science, including the biochemistry of caffeine; its effects on the human body; benefits, dangers, and contraindications; and caffeine addiction and withdrawal, across all stages of the human life span from prenatal exposure to end-of-life.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Neurotrauma, and Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax (914) 740-2101

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Malibu Beach Party FAIL!

In the dangerous lives of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, when you head to a party, you need backup. That said, we break down last night in our +/- recap!

First, back to Pandora's wedding extravaganza. Wedding planner Kevin was slightly less annoying this week but that may be because we saw so little of him.

I will give the man a Plus 10. He puts together one heck of a lovely table, but does he really need a million dollar budget to pull that off? I don't think so.

Pandora and Lisa Vanderpump

From there we head over to Kyle's where she's throwing a party to celebrate both Cinco de Mayo and mother-in-law Estelle's new face. Only in Beverly Hills can the two be combined and no one thinks twice about it. 

Estelle looks good but it's hard to tell how much was done from the before and after pictures since the before has no makeup at all and the after was taken in full hair and makeup. Minus 8 because I would have enjoyed seeing a more accurate comparison.

Everyone's talking about Brandi's upcoming party but the porn star tutorial is out and a belly dancing lesson is in. Apparently Lisa hasn't gotten the memo.

She tells Ken she's not going because she doesn't need a lesson on giving BJ's. Ken asks her to come home and prove it. Lisa's response: "It's not your birthday, is it?" Plus 10 because somehow it's even funnier with the British accents.

The Malibu party gets started, the wine starts to flow and before you know it Kyle is doing splits in front of the crowd. What's up with that? Didn't she do that at Pandora's engagement party? Minus 5 as her exhibitionist streak is getting old.

Brandi Glanville Nipples

Speaking of exhibitionists, Brandi's wearing a clingy white cotton dress with a thong and no bra. Honestly, if anyone can pull it off it's Brandi but Kyle's incessant comments about her nipples were getting a little creepy. Minus 8. If Kyle were a guy I'd be telling her to look up.

So Taylor brings Kyle along as backup because she feels so uncomfortable being around Camille since the tea party blowout. Perhaps she should have chosen a better wingman. 

When Taylor becomes overwhelmed and steps outside to get some, air does Kyle go to check on her ... no. Instead she calls attention to Taylor's absence and sticks her tongue out at her through the window. Minus 7. She was probably just trying to lighten Taylor's mood but instead it was the beginning of the end.

Who is the crazy red headed friend of Camille's? I know she's just trying to stick up for her friend but she's a bit of a nut. At some point you need to back off and shut up and Camille should have told her to do just that. For someone who claims to hate the drama, Camille certainly has very dramatic friends.

Instead the ladies swarmed an already fragile Taylor. Minus 10 to the entire crew. Everyone screaming and talking at once only made a bad situation worse. When Taylor finally snaps ... well it's not pretty.

Taylor Unglued

It seems that Taylor is terrified about what will happen when Russell finally hears Camille's comments. Instead of her focus being on ditching her allegedly abusive spouse she seems sidetracked on blaming Camille for her issues. It's simply scary.

Then Brandi goes and kicks Taylor out. Minus 15. That's just rude.

She could have at least separated the ladies and let them calm down, and I'm sure one or both of them would have left of their own accord.

So despite the gorgeous ocean views and the wonderful food, Brandi's party is a complete disaster. She cries that she only wants to fit in. Well, considering how well everyone else's parties turn out you may just be one of the crowd, but if she were smarter she'd run in the opposite direction.



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